Article archive

26/10/2014 01:38

Electricity of Haiti: Strategic Process Guidelines

Electricity of Haiti: Strategic Process GuidelinesLeontes DorzilmeWalden UniversityJune 2014 "In my opinion, instead of having a designated General Director, whom owes allegiance to the government, as head of the Electricity of Haiti, there is need of a collegial transitory board that will...

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26/10/2014 00:36

Electricity of Haiti (EDH): The Case of a Failed Finance and Budgeting Management

  Electricity of Haiti: The Case of a Failed Finance and Budgeting Management Leontes Dorzilme Walden University August 2014 According to World Bank report, only 25% of the Haitian general population has electricity supply in Haiti (World Bank, 2012). The case of...

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26/10/2014 00:23

Electricity of Haiti Crisis: Need for an Issues-based Planning

Electricity of Haiti Crisis: Need for an Issues-based Planning Leontes Dorzilme Walden University June 2014 The energy electric is the basic element in creating sustainable development in this era of technology development. It happens that Haiti has a huge energy problem since 1987...

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07/12/2013 21:00

Leadership development: Organizational competency model framed around Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory

  Leadership development: Organizational competency model framed around Kolb's Experiential  Learning Theory By: Leontes Dorzilme Experiential learning theory (ELT) is defined as a process of creating knowledge through the transformation of experience (Kolb, 1984). From concrete...

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05/12/2013 02:23

Personality, Goal-setting, and Motivation: Locke and Latham perspectives

Personality, Goal-setting, and Motivation: Locke and Latham perspectives By: Leontes Dorzilme, Doctoral student   Introduction For a long time, the study related to motivation at work was not a priority for researchers. The field was dominated by behaviorists and the problematic of motivation...

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05/12/2013 01:47

How Bipp's (2010) theory may be applied to organizational work environment?

How Bipp's (2010) Theory may be Applied to Organizational Work Environment? By: Leontes Dorzilme, Doctoral Student Bipp’s (2010) work may still apply to practical organizational setting because his valuable finding son individual job preference based on openness to experience (O) and Core self-...

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05/12/2013 01:44

Similarities and differences between goal-setting theory and expectancy theory

By: Leontes Dorzilme, Doctoral student Connections: Locke and Latham (2002) sustain that goal-setting theory has been found fully consistent with social-cognitive and expectancy theory because they both underline the importance of consciously set goals and self-efficacy. From the implication of...

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29/11/2013 09:06

Motivation Theory: Three significant points to recall

Motivation Theory:Three significant points to recall By: Leontes Dorzilme Three significant points to recall in motivation theory is the relation with goal-setting theory, expectancy theory, and the social cognitive theory or self-efficacy.  First the motivation can be issued of goal-setting...

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27/11/2013 12:45

Why do people work?

Why do people work? By: Leontes Dorzilme I was reflecting on many theories developed on individual’s motivation, from the need aspect leading to the expectancy that may boost our self-efficacy in order to reach attainable goals that we may established or owned because of our role in the...

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06/10/2013 21:31

Systems thinking: Leadership behaviors, ethics, and outcomes

Systems thinking: Leadership behaviors, ethics, and outcomes Leontes Dorzilme October 2013   A clear shared vision is the most powerful way to create a learning organization. A transformative leadership style may create a desire to learn and to innovate within the organization. The role...

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