Article archive
02/03/2013 20:50
How does globalization affect stakeholders' coalitions and salience?
Generally speaking, stakeholders are individuals or groups that can affect or are affected by organizational goals, policies, and actions. That is, they are ranged into two main categories which are the primary and the secondary stakeholders. They might have three great relations with...
23/02/2013 23:13
Creating a Learning System that Accommodates Different Learning Styles
Creating a Learning System that Accommodates Different Learning Styles
By Leontes Dorzilme
Understanding the learning styles as presented by Noe (2010) in his book Employee Training and Development, is important in designing a learning program that will sustain the learning needs of the...
20/01/2013 17:24
Write to us with your feedback
Would you like to ask us questions about the services we have available? Please contact us. We appreciate your feedback as it helps us to continue to serve you to the best of our ability.
20/01/2013 17:23
Welcome to Our Website
We are glad that you have taken the time to visit us. Our primary goal is to provide the highest professional level of service to your organization. Our services are designed to lead your organization to a new level of seccess, to improve your employees commitment, and to enhance your...
20/01/2013 12:35
The limits of intuition in ethical decisions making
The limits of intuition in ethical decisions making
The main characteristic of intuition is the fact that the decision is made not on a logically conducted manner or on the base of data, but based on unconscious scheme of mind in relation to experiences, feeling and supposed argumentation. If...
20/01/2013 12:31
Ethical governance and organizational viability
Ethical governance and organizational viability
The term viability means that, potentially, the organization has what it takes to make it in a long way or to have a long-term survival. Ethical governance is not enough to guarantee the viability of the organization which is a complex machine with...
20/01/2013 12:28
The new roles of stakeholders
The new roles of stakeholders
Stakeholders are becoming more interested in ethical management. The post Enron era has taught to stakeholders to pay a closer attention to organization ethical conduct more than it used to be before. Generally speaking, the stakeholders are defined as “a person,...
20/01/2013 12:15
Can a leader change an organization's culture from toxic to ethical?
Can a leader change an organization's culture from toxic to ethical?
I would answer positively to the above question. Culture is defined as “the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties especially by education” (Merriam Webster).The ethical environment in the workplace is mainly...
20/01/2013 12:13
Code of ethics and ethical behavior within an organization
Code of ethics and ethical behavior within an organization
Behaviors are the result of several levels of a cognitive process that normally leads to a decision making. The code of ethics, same as the law covers one of the levels of ethical conduct someone should apply in the organization. In our...
20/01/2013 12:10
When individuals’ ethic is in conflict with organizational goals
When individuals’ ethic is in conflict with organizational goals
The ethics diagram proposes five ways personal, professional, and organizational ethics can be combined. The fifth one is showing a balance among these three main areas of ethics in making it a whole blended focus on what is right and...
Leontes Consulting GroupPort-au-Prince/Haiti
(509) 3663 7505