Can a leader change an organization's culture from toxic to ethical?
Can a leader change an organization's culture from toxic to ethical?
I would answer positively to the above question. Culture is defined as “the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties especially by education” (Merriam Webster).The ethical environment in the workplace is mainly about personal, professional and organizational understanding of proper behaviors. The human being can be shaped and reshaped through effective training and educational programs. The Behaviorist Skimmer (1904-1990) had proved that human behaviors can be influenced with the use of positive or negative learning technics (reinforcers). “Learning is therefore defined as a change in behavior of the learner” (Learning-theory, 2012). That is, the organizational culture which creates opportunities for unethical behaviors can be reversed by implanting more ethical tools.
Most of the time, people are willing to follow the rules when they are known, promoted, enforced. When unethical behaviors are severely punished, the organizational trend towards more ethical practices can be observed. First, by reinforcing professional and organizational ethical standards in the context of a transformational leader who can develop positive interpersonal relationship with the followers, the results might be improved. Second, the role model plays by the leader in demonstrating ethical conducts and by creating trust in his/her relationship with followers might impact followers’ behaviors.
Same as the use of power, role model can be used by the leader in order to shift the unethical and toxic behaviors to a more ethical work habit. Toxic behaviors are fostered by opportunity, lack of principle, lack of rules’ enforcement, and by ineffective communication. Murphy and Wright (2005) have recalled the findings of Farmer, 1987; Hawes, 1998; Porter and Vasquez, 1997 who stated “the leader’s power can be productively used also for a better collaboration in skills’ transmission”. Same as any other skill, ethical behaviors can be transmitted in the work environment.
Behaviorism. (2012) Learning-Theory. Retrieved on November 10, 2012 from definition. (n.d.). Merriam Webster. Retrieved on November 10, 2012 from
Murphy, M. J. & Wright, D. W.(2005). Supervisees' Perspectives of Power Use in Supervision. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, v31 n3 p283-295 Jul 2005. 13 pp. Retrieved on October 30, 2012 from
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