09/05/2013 10:33

The effects leadership can have on an organization.

The effects leadership can have on an organization.

 In a constant changing work environment linked to the globalization, it is important to determine the most significant effects people are expected leadership to have over an organization. The need for profit has always been a dilemma difficult to manage in a work environment where officials are asking for more transparency and ethics in business practices. That is, a leader whose effectiveness is only focus on performance and profit while neglecting the community interest will not be able to cope with the high demand of global and local laws in the new business era.

To my opinion, Northouse (2010, 388-393) has referred to Aristotle to recall many important effects responsible leadership style should have on the organization from an ethical standpoint “respect of others, service, justice, honesty, and community building (p.386). Respect for others will create trust and open communication in order to transmit to the followers the key elements of the leader’s vision for the organization and the community. The notion of service covers the wide range of services to the followers, the organization, the stakeholders, the customers, and the community. The concept of justice and honesty improve employees’ performance, quality and innovation in the company. Finally, I like the approach of ethic that says “do not do it if you are in doubt”.

James G. Bohn attempts to answer that question by listing many leader’s characteristics that can positively affect organization’s outcome.  His article entitled “The Relationship of Perceived Leadership Behaviors to Organization Efficacy” is cited by www.vrhconsulting.com  and states that “Employees place their faith and trust in their leader’s capabilities, expecting the leader to provide: A compelling vision of where the organization is going; consistency in pursuing and achieving goals; clear, concise communication, whether in general or in conveying their ideas and organizational direction; team building and orchestration; credible proof of a solid track record of performance accomplishments” (Hodgson, 2003). Whether the focus is on ethical leadership or performance tracker, the force of the organization is stoned into the human capital, the stakeholders, the customers, the community, and the future. Effective leadership style needs to be built around the best interests of these people.  



How Leadership Influences Organizational Effectiveness (2003). Vernon Roche Hodgson, Inc. Retrieved on October 6, 2012 from https://www.vrhconsulting.com/2003VRHSpringNEWSLINE.pdf

Northouse, P. G. (2010).  Leadership: Theory and practice (5th Ed.); Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, Inc.




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